this is my most depressing page

Life sucks let me start
So since i have unrestricted internet access i have prob seen the worst stuff on the internet
From gay furry bdsm to navel stretching gore and torture
i have seen it all
And i am afraid i do not have a childhood anymore because of it
At only 11 years old i already feel like life sucks i will not have any memories to look back on
i have not had any friends since i was 6 i always feel like life is crushing me down
I forget everything
I always get in trouble
My brother is kinda a bully
I kinda hate him we do not do anything together
atleast i try ok?
But it is not good enough apparently
And i am not telling my parents about it because i am to young and i always try to act funny and happy whenever i am on reddit or something i try to act as grown up as possible and lie to not be embarrassed or anything
You can see that in posts on my reddit
ok its 2 days later and i slept intill 3:14 because no one tried to wake me up intill then
And now my mom and dad are gonna be super angry
and it's like i am sorry i am 11 and can not control it let me have fun
I am balling my eyes out i can not find any friends and i have basically no one to trust dec 24 3:47 AM

Like here is all the social medias i have a account on that i am to young to have



@faceeygeary (disbord)

Dickie Gay

